McAuley High School Tertiary Scholarship Programme

In 2023, the Staples Education Foundation (SEF) embarked on its inaugural year of providing assistance and guidance to students from McAuley High School. Our focus is on supporting Year 13 students as they transition into university studies, aligning with our core objectives and values.

Through the SEF Scholarship, we aim to empower McAuley High School graduates who choose to pursue higher education at an Auckland university. This scholarship not only offers financial support but also takes a holistic approach to assist our students. We will connect each student with a Mentor and Buddy, provide ongoing training, and facilitate two weeks of annual work experience in their desired profession or industry, we aim to foster comprehensive growth and success for these individuals.

Our McAuley Students

Become a Mentor

A Mentor is a role model in the student's desired area of study, providing guidance and inspiration to help their student to achieve their goals. This Mentor-Student relationship supports the student in both their professional and personal growth and development.

Become a Buddy

Buddies are a second or third year student at the SEF recipient's university pursuing a similar course of study. The Buddies meet their students regularly throughout the first year of the programme and aid them in the transition from school to university life. Buddies also receive financial assistance to support their study.