Dilworth Tertiary Scholarship Programme

2015 was the Staples Education Foundation’s (SEF) first year offering support and guidance to worthy Dilworth Students through our wrap around programme. The Trust Board and Executive Team have worked together to create what we believe is a first class programme to support Year 13 Students transitioning into university study in accordance with our objectives and values.

A number of scholarships are awarded per annum to high achieving school leavers studying at an Auckland university.

A SEF Scholarship offers financial and holistic support to the Students by matching them with Mentors and Buddies, ongoing training for all parties through the Support and Development Programme, as well as 2 weeks Work Experience per year in the profession or industry they would like to work in.

Mentors and Students are also offered support through Psychologists attached to our programme.

Our Objectives

SEF has three key objectives for our programme. These are:

  • To achieve a tertiary qualification

  • To get a job (ultimately securing full-time employment in a career of choice)

  • To give back to society

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Our Values

SEF has identified the values for our programme. These are:


  • Clear focus on shared goals

  • Achieve a tertiary qualification

  • Get a job

  • Give back to society


  • Acceptance of responsibility for self

  • Challenge and empower the students to take on the mantle of self-directed learning and responsibility for change and personal growth


  • Honest feedback

  • Emotionally honest relationships with everyone in the SEF family

Aim High

  • Work hard and smart

  • Set goals and create strategies to create the best chance of success

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Our Students

In 2015, our Inaugural Year, SEF recruited 8 Year 13 Dilworth Students. These Students commenced their university studies in 2016 at either The University of Auckland or AUT University.

In 2025, 99 students have been recruited and 65 have joined the SEF Alumni Programme.

Recruitment commences in August each year.

Our Alumni

At the end of the 3 year scholarship programme our SEF students move into our SEF Alumni Programme.

In 2025, we welcome the seventh intake of Alumni.

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Our Mentors

A Mentor is a role model in the student's aspired field who can provide guidance and inspiration to help them get there. They form a relationship lasting the length of the scholarship and beyond and help with the student's professional and personal development.

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Our Buddies

Buddies are second to fourth-year university students who share a similar field of study with SEF recipients. They provide regular support throughout the recipient's first year, helping them navigate the transition from high school to university. In recognition of their commitment, Buddies also receive financial assistance for their studies.

Our Partners

SEF is grateful for the support of our partners who help our programme by providing office, meeting and workshop spaces as well as assisting with professional support. The Urban Partners and Cressida Capital Teams are always happy to spend time with the SEF Students and many have become Mentors for our Students. Dilworth Trust Board are very supportive of the work SEF is doing with so many of their Old Boys and see SEF as an important part of the school community.

Our Work Experience

Students will be placed in relevant work experience in their chosen field, up to two weeks per year of their scholarship. This may be paid or unpaid, but will give the students some real life experience and networking opportunities.

Our Sponsors

Sponsorship of our students is one way of making a difference to a student's life. All donations received for the students are solely for their own use over the period of their scholarship. Funds are managed by SEF.

Sponsorship can be tagged to a student or, depending on the donor’s preferences, can be linked to a specific part of the programme and/or just assist the operation of our overall programme. SEF can tailor sponsorship packages to meet your needs and the extent of your contribution.

Currently SEF have sponsors who support our students, and while they appreciate being acknowledged through our website and newsletters, their true satisfaction is gained from being a part of a student’s growth. We welcome you to learn more about becoming a sponsor by clicking on the box below.

Thank you to our 2025 sponsors:

Our Support & Development

Support and Development workshops are run for students periodically throughout their scholarships. These workshops are targeted at the relevant stage of the scholarship e.g.

  • University Crash Course (entering university in Year 1)

  • Reflection and Progression (reflecting on Semester 1, Year 1)

  • APP JOB 101 - tools for moving into the work-force whether it be for work experience, part-time or graduate position

Additionally the SEF Programme offer a Mentee Assistance Programme (MAP) overseen by a Clinical Psychologist to enable our programme to provide professional psychological assistance to our students if there is a need.